Light Infantry Tactics: for Small Teams (AuthorHouse 2005) is intended for an audience uninitiated in military and infantry culture. It includes in depth explanations, and explains tactical concepts in overarching terms. Also involves step-by-step walk through and case studies.
The Small Unit Tactics SMARTbook (The Lightning Press 2008) is written for an experienced military audience. It includes just about everything directly related to infantry patrolling tactics – offensive, defensive, enabling operations as well as counter-insurgency and stability operations. This book combines 20 different FM, TM, TC and white papers. Very serious stuff!
Paintball and Airsoft Battle Tactics(Voyageur Press 2008) is written for experienced MILSIM gamers. It is an epic work in its approach to offensive, defensive and enabling operations within the MILSIM framework. In short, it explains in great detail how to conduct an attack without the umbrella of resources afforded to larger military formations.